
Columbus – Leather Cure Anti-bacterial Spray (No Alcohol) 100 ml | Made in Japan


Columbus 皮革除菌抗菌噴霧






使用方法(真皮 / 人造皮皮袋、皮衣、皮鞋)︰
1. 先將噴霧搖勻,然後噴在乾軟布或皮革專用清潔綿布上,在皮革表面上均勻擦抹;
2. 待皮面上的噴霧乾透後,再用乾淨的乾軟布抹拭。



1. 將噴霧均勻噴灑至整個表面略為微濕;

2. 待皮面上的噴霧自然乾透後即可(使用後,建議用毛刷梳理麂皮表面)







Cleans stubborn mold stains, kills surface and deep-seated mold on leather, and disrupts the environment for mold growth within leather fibers.


1. Before use, let the leather product air dry in a well-ventilated area. Once dry, you can begin the cleaning and care process. For your safety, wear a mask to avoid inhaling mold spores.

2. Open the anti-mold spray bottle by releasing the lock mechanism. Press the plastic strip located below the nozzle.

3. Spray the anti-mold solution onto a soft cloth until it is damp enough. Use the cloth to wipe off any mold and mold stains from the leather surface. If the mold area is large, switch to a clean section of the cloth. To prevent spreading mold, dispose of the cloth in a plastic bag after use.

4. After wiping, spray the solution again to prevent future mold growth. Allow the leather product to air dry in a well-ventilated area without wiping it with a dry cloth. The scent of the spray will fade. Once the leather product is dry, apply suitable leather cream for additional care.

*For suede leather, brush the nap at the base using a brush before proceeding.


Country of Origin: Japan
Volume: 100ml
Expiration: 5 years
Suitable for leather types: Smooth leather, suede, vegetable-tanned leather, patent leather



Usually, one to two applications are enough to effectively clean and eliminate mold. Regular maintenance of leather items is crucial, especially when they come into contact with moisture. It’s important to promptly wipe off any moisture and allow the item to air dry in a well-ventilated area to reduce the chances of mold growth.

*Please note that stubborn mold may not be completely removed. Depending on the type of leather, there may be instances where water stains cannot be entirely eliminated. It is advisable to perform a patch test in an inconspicuous area before applying the product extensively.


